urban icons

semiotics applied. research.

Dan Gilbert

by Christina D'oro Hooley


by markhooley67

This painting reminds me of the Aztec culture and I like to work with shapes. I like the subtle colours in this painting.

Sun and Moon

by markhooley67

This picture was inspired by the eye of Rah. I like to play about with clay and liked the look of this

This picture represents the moon, again made with clay

Mark Hooley

by Christina D'oro Hooley

New work in progress

by Christina D'oro Hooley




Textural Desires

by markhooley67

This was inspired by the 80’s game Tetris but seemed a bit flat with just acrylic, so I added various coloured materials to make it stand out more and look more 3D

The one below I did first with Autumn colours as I like to call them. All the browns remind me of the leaves.

Darkness Creeps In

by markhooley67

Darkness Creeps In

I painted this because this is how life feels sometimes. Life is all bright and sunny then suddenly the dark things seem to creep up all around you and start to work their way through your soul.